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055610 Speaker Yandex station 2 YNDX-00051B 30W Blue 5136
054106 Speaker Yandex station 2 YNDX-00051K 30W Black 5046
062118 Speaker Yandex station DUO MAX YNDX-00055BIE 60W Beige 11613
062119 Speaker Yandex station DUO MAX YNDX-00055BLK 60W Black 11738
063317 Speaker Yandex station DUO MAX YNDX-00055GRN 60W Green 11895
063318 Speaker Yandex station DUO MAX YNDX-00055RED 60W Red 11613
069893 Speaker Yandex station Lite 2 YNDX-00026BLU Alisa 6W Blue 1709
070823 Speaker Yandex station Lite 2 YNDX-00026GRN Alisa 6W Green 1635
070824 Speaker Yandex station Lite 2 YNDX-00026ORG Alisa 6W Coral 1709
069894 Speaker Yandex station Lite 2 YNDX-00026PNK Alisa 6W Pink 1635
069895 Speaker Yandex station Lite 2 YNDX-00026VIO Alisa 6W Violet 1607
054107 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Beige Cappuccino 1476
048060 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Green Mint 1476
054108 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Pink Flamingo 1476
048061 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Purple Ultraviolet 1500
054109 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Red Chilli 1476
054110 Speaker Yandex station Lite YNDX-00025 Bluetooth 5W Yellow 1476
058989 Speaker Yandex station MAX with ZIGBEE YNDX-00052K 65W Black 10897
062167 Speaker Yandex station MAX with ZIGBEE YNDX-00053E 65W Beige 8903
062168 Speaker Yandex station MAX with ZIGBEE YNDX-00053K 65W Black 9534
062170 Speaker Yandex station MAX with ZIGBEE YNDX-00053Z 65W Green 9430
067578 Speaker Yandex station MIDI with ZIGBEE YNDX-00054 24W Black 4702
064741 Speaker Yandex station MIDI with ZIGBEE YNDX-00054 24W Emerald 4702
064742 Speaker Yandex station MIDI with ZIGBEE YNDX-00054 24W Gray 4419
063315 Speaker Yandex station MIDI with ZIGBEE YNDX-00054 24W Orange 4858
064743 Speaker Yandex station MIDI with ZIGBEE YNDX-00054 24W Pink 4419
070825 Speaker Yandex station mini 3 with clock YNDX-00027BLK 12W Black 2817
070826 Speaker Yandex station mini 3 with clock YNDX-00027GRY 12W Gray 2817
070827 Speaker Yandex station mini 3 with clock YNDX-00027LIL 12W Lilac 2817
054111 Speaker Yandex station mini with clock YNDX-00020B 10W Blue 2607
054112 Speaker Yandex station mini with clock YNDX-00020G 10W Grey 2409
054113 Speaker Yandex station mini with clock YNDX-00020K 10W Black 2409
054114 Speaker Yandex station mini with clock YNDX-00020R 10W Red 2626
054115 Speaker Yandex station mini YNDX-00021B 10W Blue 2215
054116 Speaker Yandex station mini YNDX-00021G 10W Grey 2250
054117 Speaker Yandex station mini YNDX-00021K 10W Black 2250
054118 Speaker Yandex station mini YNDX-00021R 10W Red 2219
Caracteristici principale
- TipSisteme acustice
- Sistem acusticaltele
- MaterialAltele
- StareNou