Truck Dispatcher from $1500/Month

FULL TIME employment opportunity for dependable individual who is self motivated, detail oriented and able to complete tasks in a timely manner. - fluent in English - self motivated (doesn't wait around to be told what do to next) - good organization/communication skills - load booking and driver dispatching - be familiar with truck load boards - good computer skills - Entering the dispatch information and loads into trucking software - independently quickly work - Monday to Friday 2:00PM - 12:00AM Email resume to For more details feel free to contact us at: 0 (69) 647781 Max
Puteți transmite CV-ul la oferta de muncă de pe site-ul


  • Salariu, de la 1 500 $
  • Orarul de lucru Full time
  • Lucru de sezon Nu

Limbi străine

  • Română
  • Rusă
  • Engleză


  • Învățământul Medii
  • Experiență 2-3 ani

Date de contact

  • Persoana de contact Max
  • Email
Vizualizări: 4 924 (astăzi 7)