Step Deck/Flatbed Dispatcher

Step Deck, Flatbed, Reefer and Dry Van Transportation Company
This posting is for Step Deck/Flatbed dispatcher with experience. WE are an US Asset Based Carrier. Need a strong dispatcher to dispatch 4-6 trucks in today's market. Qualified candidate will perform the following duties: 1. Look for best loads on the market 2. Consolidate partial loads 3. Develop broker-carrier relations 4. Dispatch drivers/owners. Please do not send resumes by email. Please call/text directly or on Telegram/Viber - 314-322-5134 Work is performed from the office. We pay 2% from the gross rate or $2000


  • Orarul de lucru Full time

Limbi străine

  • Română
  • Rusă
  • Engleză


  • Învățământul Fără studii
  • Experiență Până la 2 ani

Date de contact

  • Persoana de contact M
  • Email
Vizualizări: 762 (astăzi 3)