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Sunt dispus la negocieri!!! Contul îl dau la 450 euro din cauza ca cumpărătorul va adăuga 50 euro pentru intermediar singur intermediar e xxxcolea contul mai are rămase 2 key deci cine îl cumpără pina pe data de 7 ianuari are șansa să-și cumpere McLaren pe buggy și să țină o cheie pentru următorul supercar de exemplu Bugatti(Bolide) I have lv. 70 to my account playing from season 5 Rp(M9,M10,M14,M16-M19,A1,A3-A10) all bought I have 833,000 BP,22,000 silver,4,954 G and 452 uc I have the C7S20 Ultimate Royal Legend title and i also have C7S20 Conqueror frame and title I have 17 Upgradable weapons: Blood Tooth-Vector lv.4 Candy Cane-Thompson lv.2 Field Commander-AWM lv.1 Lizard Roar-M416 (max) Ethereal Emblem-UZI lv.4 Soaring Dragon-MG3 lv.1 Drakobane Remnant-Machete lv.1 Circus of Screams-Crossbow lv.1 Forsaken Glace-AUG lv.2 Panthera Prime-DBS lv.1 Cryoforst Shard-UMP45 lv1 Faerie Luster-PAN lv.1 Lilac Finesse-Thompson lv.1 Nightscape Gladiator-Bizon lv1 Seadream Melody-SLR lv.1 Spirit Sentry-UZI lv.1 Tundra Knight Dagger lv.1 Helfire-AKM 1 mythic forge outfit with emote (Dark Assasin) Snowstar Sweetheart Space gift 50,000 14 mythig forge crystals 5 Materials and 109 Paint(to upgrade weapons) 3,383 Lucky Vocuhers for superscars(which can be changes into 2 keys) Urus skin on Uaz and also season 4(Glaciar skin) Ghost Rosa skin on Dacia McLaren P1(Volcano) skin on coupe

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